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Boys' hats are now required as part of the Boys' spring uniform (note: these differ from the girls' hats). The hats are currently available on the JL Hingham Team Store.

For those who have already placed an order and need to add the boys' hat, please edit the order by using the order number and last 4 digits of the card used from the original purchase. The instructions for modifying an existing order are next to the top 3 items on the right. If you have any trouble, please contact Ali Abrams with JL Racing directly at or 1-800-831-3305 x103 and she will add the hat to your existing order.

The Team Store closes this Sunday March 11 (midnight PST). Please be sure your son/daughter has all of the necessary items for Spring and place your order accordingly.

SPRING UNIFORM (updated 3/8/2018) - Order By Sunday 3/11

GIRLS: UNI Suit, Long Sleeve Technical Shirt & Hat

BOYS: UNI Suit, Long Sleeve Technical Shirt & Hat

I do think the boys (and their parents) will very much appreciate the hat, especially on sunny days (granted hard to imagine on a day like today:)

My apologies to the boys' families for the inconvenience.

Please let me know of any questions or concerns.

Thank you,


HHSRA Merchandise Coordinator

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